How Nancy Xu Raised $10M for Moonhub (Nancy Xu / Moonhub - Ep 40)

Join us on a journey through the winding roads of entrepreneurship with our guest, Nancy Xu, the Founder & CEO of Moonhub. From her early days training for the U.S. math and physics team to her academic journey at Stanford and her stint as a software engineer at Facebook, Nancy seemed destined for academia. However, her passion for impactful ideas steered her towards entrepreneurship, leading her to start Moonhub, the pioneering AI-powered recruiter. With over $10 million raised in just two years, we explore how Nancy's background in AI research and building crucial relationships laid the foundation for Moonhub's success. Join us as we unravel the fascinating story of Nancy Xu raising millions from big named venture capitalists like Google Ventures and Khosla Ventures.

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TBC: Why Every Founder Needs Third-Party Feedback

In this episode of The Backchannel, the host emphasizes the critical role of third-party feedback in the fundraising process for entrepreneurs.

TBC: Pro Tip for VC's - The Personal Newsletter

In this episode, the host shares the power of personal newsletters for VC's, shedding light on investor psychology and fundraising strategies.

How Nancy Xu Raised $10M for Moonhub (Nancy Xu / Moonhub - Ep 40)

Join us on a journey through the winding roads of entrepreneurship with our guest, Nancy Xu, the Founder & CEO of Moonhub. From her early days training for the U.S. math and physics team to her academic journey at Stanford and her stint as a software engineer at Facebook, Nancy seemed destined for academia. However, her passion for impactful ideas steered her towards entrepreneurship, leading her to start Moonhub, the pioneering AI-powered recruiter. With over $10 million raised in just two years, we explore how Nancy's background in AI research and building crucial relationships laid the foundation for Moonhub's success. Join us as we unravel the fascinating story of Nancy Xu raising millions from big named venture capitalists like Google Ventures and Khosla Ventures.

TBC: How & Why to Get a Technical Co-founder

In this episode, our host covers the importance of having a technical co-founder for non-technical founders and how to go about finding one.

TBC: Addressing Competition With Investors

In this episode of the Back Channel, we explore the importance of addressing competition during investor meetings.

The Story Behind SGNL Raising $22M in 2 Years (Scott Kriz / SGNL)

There's a quote from Abraham Lincoln that always really speaks to me: "Give me 6 hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first 4 sharpening my axe." It's become a mantra of sorts for me, especially when it comes to fundraising. I share it with all of the founders I work with because it encapsulates a fundamental truth: the preparation before the task is key. In my experience, the ease of a fundraising journey is directly proportional to the groundwork laid beforehand. Those lightning-fast fundraises? They're not just luck; they're the culmination of years, even decades, of relationship-building and experience. Take today's guest, Scott Kriz. As the co-founder and CEO of SGNL, he raised over $22M in less than 2 years, drawing on a decade of industry know-how. But this success wasn't overnight. Scott had already navigated the fundraising landscape with his previous venture, Bitium, where he secured $15M in VC funding before its acquisition by Google in 2017. Scott's journey underscores the importance of early struggles in paving the way for future triumphs. This episode is filled with knowledge, so make sure to listen till the very end!

TBC: Understanding VC Firms to Send the Right Signals

<p>This is a fantastic episode covering one of the most important insights around fundraising</p><p>‍</p>

TBC: Dilution 101 For Founders

<p>This is a fantastic episode covering one of the most important insights around fundraising</p><p>‍</p>

The Story Behind Purple Metrics Closing Their $1.2M Pre-Seed Round (Guta Tolmasquim / Purple Metrics)

Bootstrapping and raising venture capital are two different beasts. Bootstrapping gives you control, but growth is slower. Venture capital speeds things up, but you have to give up some control. There is, however, one thing they both have in common: each requires a leap of faith. Today's guest is pretty unique. She's someone who's gotten to experience building both types of companies - one bootstrapped, one venture backed. That guest is Guta Tolmasquim, founder and CEO of Purple Metrics, which recently closed their first institutional round of capital, a $1.2M pre-seed led by Astella, one of the top venture firms in Brazil! But before Purple Metrics, Guta founded Brand Gym, a company she bootstrapped and built all by herself. As you can imagine, the transition to building a venture backed company was... interesting In this episode, we get to learn about how Guta ended up closing her $1.2M pre-seed round and just how powerful building your network really is.

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